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Behind the Curtain
This weekend I wanted to write a bit that I ve tentatively titled One More Way to Skin a Cat or The Edge of Society, but I wound up getting entangled in creating two new sections of this website.
If you look to the sidebar you ll see two new links: Links and such and Email Me .
Email Me is just as it seems. If you want to send me a note, now you can. But even the Email Me form has a story:
Me to Ray :
Umm while you re still titty-deep in JimFormation, how difficult would it be to install your mail form (including the male form pun) on JimFo? If it s a pain in the ass, I can do it (or ask Ronnie to do it, as it were).
Ray to Me:
It s Ronnie s script! I ll do it. Won t take long at all. The Male Form thing is mine all mine, baby.
Ronnie is the Wife-beast s brother. His web home is here .
I stole his Male Form bit anyway. Let him try and get a Cease and Desist .
Now you can send me a note . Try to be the first one!
Links and such is a little bit more than just links.
There is a Links section these are personal websites that I visit frequently that have some meaning to me. I call this section A Loose Affiliation*, as these are some of the places and people that I, overtime, have developed just that: A Loose Affiliation. There are many more websites that I visit, but didn t make this list. Sorry.
The term A Loose Affiliation is lifted from Paul Simon s Boy in the Bubble Song. Lyrics partially reprinted below (without Mr. Simon s permission):
And I believe These are the days of
Staccato signals of constant information
A loose affiliation of millionaires
And billionaires and baby
These are the days of miracle and wonder
Somehow appropriate, I thought.
The and such section is the section that may be of real interest to you. It s my bookmarks section powered by the good folks at ma.gnolia.com . From my links introduction:
As I write this, my plan is to put all my bookmarks here and really give this tool a whirl. You see, I use no less than four computers daily and may realistically use seven. Bookmarks on one computer no longer help me. I m hoping this will, and I don t mind sharing my discoveries and research with you.
So it s my ongoing bookmarks. You can see the things that I find worth saving. Maybe you ll like it, but probably you ll just think, He s an idiot for bookmarking that.
Oh. I ll write One More Way to Skin a Cat later this week. I hope.
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