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CYA First Aide

My 14-year old daughter is the first among her friends to get a job. She ll be working at a local aquarium that has sharks and penguins and alligators and seals and lots and lots o other attractions. It s really rather nice. She ll start by giving tours and graduate to cleaning penguin poop at least that s her hope.

As this is her first job ever , I thought it was my obligation to familiarize myself with the Employee Manual. It was all routine stuff until I hit the section on what one should do if another employee or customer gets hurt.

I figured that there should be some sort of training on immediate triage and basic first aide can be rendered. I figured wrong.

I looked up from the manual and quizzed my daughter, What do you do if someone gets hurt while you are working?

Immediately tell my supervisor, she answered quickly.


She puffed out her chest. She knows this answer:

So that the appropriate paperwork can be filled out.


Nancy said:

Good for your daughter! What a great opportunity for her.

Clearly she is already handling the new responsibility quite well. Let her figure things out, then stand by and be proud.

Posted on Mar 20, 2006 04:27 PM

Jim said:

She's a good girl, Nancy. The part I left out because it really wasn't part of the story is that usually this place only hires people 18 -years-old and older. She'll be 15-years-old in May but she interviewed so well that they made an exception. (Insert proud Daddy grin here.)

Posted on Mar 20, 2006 05:15 PM

Ray said:

Nice. Beats the hell out of working the late, late, late shift at Wendy's.

Posted on Mar 20, 2006 07:51 PM

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