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Of Boys, Swords, and Balloon Puppies

Yesterday my wife volunteered to make balloon animals at a Christmas party for the local Head Start . There were over 50 children between 3 and 5 years old. Her plan was to make one type of balloon animal for all this kids.

They could pick their own color but limiting them to one animal, she figured, would stop any arguments and hurt feelings kids might have when they didn t get the animal they wanted (or thought they wanted).

Balloon puppies only. Smart plan.

Many of the boys wanted swords, she told me afterwards.

Did you make them swords? I asked.

No. I made them puppies.

Did they have sword fights with the puppies?

Of course they did.


Tanj said:

Bravo Sandy for even having that skill. Watching skinny ballons being twisted into shapes is one of my fascinations.

Dogs and the hats are my favorites.

Posted on Dec 16, 2005 09:07 PM

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