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The Next Big Thing

Oh. My.

On December 17, 2005, Nikolay Valuev won the World Boxing Association s Heavyweight championship belt. He is 7 2 tall (for you Canadians, that s about 60m, give or take a cm) and 330 pounds (about 10kg, again, for you Canadians). Every photograph you see of him looks like the photographer is forcing the perspective to make him look bigger.

He s that large.

He scares me.

About Nikolay Valuev in his own words .

Hey look! There s Don King with Valuev . I wouldn t have guessed.

Image Gallery 7 pages.


ButtonMonkey said:

I saw a story about him yesterday accompanied by that photo. He looks like a Marvel villain. Seriously.

Posted on Jan 28, 2006 07:52 AM

ButtonMonkey said:

Oh, and to put even more perspective on it, Ruiz, the smaller man in the photo, is 237 pounds.

Posted on Jan 28, 2006 07:53 AM

ruminator said:

Umm... I take it you're picking a little on the Canadians. Yes?

Posted on Jan 28, 2006 08:31 AM

Jim said:

Actually, Rumi, it's an inside joke (one I don't seem to tire of) between me and couple of Canadian friends (who just happen to be brothers). Everyone else in the world probably just thinks I'm ignorant.

Posted on Jan 28, 2006 01:43 PM

ruminator said:

Actually, I didn't think you ignorant--I smelled something else going on, hence the question.

But, if you want me to think you ignorant, I will. :)

Posted on Jan 29, 2006 12:45 PM

EvelynRedtree said:

Jim, this large boxer has a serious disorder of the pituitary gland called Acromegaly. It is rare but there are always a few individuals in the world at any one time who exhibit it. I recently saw a picture of one who lives in a Muslim country. Formal medical definition at:

I first learned about this as an undergrad student in Human Anatomy and Physiology class.

I feel sorry for these people. What a disability! It's mental as well as physical.

Your fan,
Evelyn in suburban Philly

Posted on Feb 04, 2006 10:21 AM

Ray said:

Jim, I think you've uncovered the next Hollywood supervillain. Now, where's that pipsqueek James Bond?

Posted on Feb 20, 2006 12:35 PM

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